On The Bricks

February 13, 2014

Appreciate. We should never be too tired, too busy, or too into ourselves to not appreciate all the good things around us. That doesn’t mean that you don’t know and see some not so good things, but we need to emphasize the good over the bad.

Recently a girl came over to the house to visit with the little girl staying with me. I heard my little girl ask her, “Want to see my new shirts?” We need to enjoy when we have something. Don’t just expect them, enjoy them. Appreciate them.

Had a visitor in my office and the conversation turned to Mark Wescoatt and his work with the Burmese folks. The visitor said, “He works his tail off …” You have to appreciate those that give and give for the betterment of others.

Another person came by and was talking about how good of a guy Jim Quimby is. He and his wife do so much for the community. Yes, some of it is probably considered part of their job, but they go waaaaay beyond that. And, as she said, “He’s just such a nice guy …..”

Oh, wow, start thinking about those we should appreciate and Gail Parsley is another that is so underappreciated. Her work (and I know she always talks about her volunteers doing so much, too) at Loaves and Fishes is amazing and wonderful.

Then there are those business owners that are jewels when you’re planning something. I can’t say enough good about partnering with Dave and Michael Davis at the Pub. And I love how they tell you just what they think, so there isn’t any pussy footing around and no complaining when you leave the room. For Michael he just complains to pick on me. It’s all in fun. Or I think it is.

I appreciate all the Cash Mobbers and Mystery Shoppers and other volunteers at Main Street Guymon. What a fabulous group of people! And they’re not doing it to get a pat on the back, they’re just helping. God bless each and every one of you guys.

Arlene Winfrey makes a meeting fun and she gathers folks around and has them all having fun before they know what’s happened! I love people who have this gift. I appreciate Arlene and I know I’m not the only one.

This week I saw Mary Blagg. Holy Toledo, what a sweet person she is. She makes me just feel all good inside because she has enough nice to share. There are not enough people like Mary.

Tom Davis walked in to my office this week. We talked about what he needed to know with an event in May and then he got to hear what I had to share. I treated him like a therapist. “We’ll put that in our prayers, Melyn.” And I believe he and Nancy have. And if I was God, I would pay attention to what they said!

We recently filmed another “On the Bricks” TV show and I think about all those that have come in and helped by being on it. So many of them were uncomfortable, but they still did it. Showed up on time and took part. Great people, every one of them. And Shawn Barbaree with PTCI is so patient with us! Sometimes he raises his eyebrows, especially when Jada Breeden and I start our bantering back and forth. More of those great folks to work with.

So who do you appreciate?

Who always has a smile? Who seems to show up when you need someone? Who is the one that is so dependable and happy that they just get forgotten sometimes? What do you have that you have been taking for granted and not given a thought to how wonderful it is that you have it?

Remember them today. Appreciate them.

And do something for someone to be appreciated. Sounds easy and can be, but if you’re not in the habit, it can be daunting. We can all do a better job of it!

I appreciate the Guymon Daily Herald for putting up with me on having this column.

I appreciate those of you who take the time to read it.

Know you’re a hero today.

And I’ll see you on the bricks!