Sometimes we need to be reminded why we’re here on this earth. Last night I was reminded.
Reading is something that I have loved for as long as I can remember. Going into the hardware store in the little town where I grew up, as a young kid, looking at those six Hardy Boys books for sale made me so happy. Some day ……
And I had parents that the someday always did come. First, they introduced me to our library and the librarian, Cindy, became one of my best friends. The little library that took up one small room downtown had several Hardy Boys book and then I learned they had lots of other great books. Birthdays and special days also came along, and my papa would give me the $2.50 to buy one of the books. Life never got any better than those days.
When entering Panhandle State University, the library was where I worked. It was a dream come true. When shelving books, there were titles upon titles that interested me and were free to me to check out and enjoy. And I did. Never had I seen such a huge room filled with so many wonderful books waiting for me to discover them. Books offer adventures to be taken when you have the time and the inclination. These adventures still beckon me on a daily basis.
My daughter told me about a 6th grade boy who loves to read. Lisa thought I should meet Cooper. Lisa told me he read any age level of books and loved the fantasy / sci fi books the best. My grandsons already loved these books so, even though those are not my favorites, I knew there were many new series of this sort. But there were several that I considered the classics, the ground breakers for the series’ being written today. And I ordered some of them to give to this little reader.
Two weeks ago Lisa took “A Wrinkle in Time” trilogy to Cooper. Bingo. He hadn’t read them yet.
Last night Lisa handed me a card. Written in pencil inside was, “Melyn, Thank you for the Wrinkle in Time Trilogy. It was very nice of you. Right now I’m reading the Rangers Apprentice series. Once I’m finished I can’t wait to start yours!
“Can’t wait to meet you, (signed) Cooper”
So now I look forward to the adventure of meeting Cooper and talking about books. I also have three more books to give him … it’s going to be fun.
Another fun thing happening this weekend (on Sun., Apr. 18 at 3 pm) is meeting the author Rilla Askew. Yes, she is going to be in Guymon at the Main Street Guymon office. Please come by and hear Rilla, get a chance to see the book “Kind of Kin” where she did a lot of research here in Texas County.
See you on the bricks!