On The Bricks

April 20, 2022

Easter Sunday was great. All seven of my grandkids were there at church. With the oldest two out of high school and living quite a distance away, this is stellar when we can all be together. After church the whole family headed to have Easter dinner together. We all bring something and it’s usually quite delicious.

This year one of my daughter’s family brought their Aggie Athlete, a sweet young lady who plays basketball for the Aggies.

My kids were raised that we can always invite someone extra or several someones to any family meal we have. There is nothing to make you appreciate being able to be with your family than to have someone sitting at your table who is from Hugo, Oklahoma … eight hours away from her family. We need to realize the blessings we have.

There are other good points about inviting someone new to the family table. There is someone new to hear the same old stories. There is someone to bring new stories to the table. You have a chance to learn something new. If you have been given much, it is right for you to share much and this is one way that is fun and easy to share.

And most people act better when there is company at the table.

This is one of my favorite things about my kids … that they know how to share and be kind to others.

My friend Sheila has about a dozen kids. OK, I’m exaggerating. She has almost a half dozen kids and she has a rule for them. They do 10 hours of community service each month (this doesn’t include their chores, I don’t believe) or they pay her $100 for rent.

I love this.

What a great way to show what is important to you … another way of sharing, right? We are happier when we are placing others above ourself and it certainly makes the people around us happier. Nothing so tiresome as a self – serving individual.

Booker T. Washington said, “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”

My wish is that you were surrounded with good people and kind people during the Easter holiday and that you all shared what you could.

“I cannot do all the good that the world needs,” said Jana Stanfield. “But the world needs all the good that I can do.”

God bless each and every one of you.

See you on the bricks.