Good advice can’t be given too often. Someone shared these tidbits on facebook and they’re worth passing on.
Live beneath your means.
Return everything you borrow.
Stop blaming other people.
Admit when you make a mistake.
Give clothes not worn to charity.
Do something nice and try not to get caught.
Listen more and talk less.
Everyday take a 30 – minute walk.
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
Be on time.
Don’t make excuses.
Don’t argue.
Get organized.
Be kind to people.
Let someone cut in ahead of you in line.
Take time to be alone.
Be humble.
Realize and accept that life isn’t fair.
Know when to keep your mouth shut.
Go an entire day without criticizing anyone.
Learn from the past.
Plan for the future.
Live in the present.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
It’s all small stuff.
Wow. Lot’s of ways to improve who I am and the world I live in. Goals are good to have and to re-examine every once in awhile.
Remember this is April, Community Clean – Up month. It’s the perfect time to take the cleaning into your house and clean a closet. Give what you don’t use to someone who will. Clean the garage and donate some of that stuff to someone who needs it. Clean up your blocks alley … mow and pick up trash and make your world better. Share your puzzles.
Support and encourage someone this month. Attend the Main Street Guymon Silent Auction and Soup Bar. It’s $10 to a good cause and you might find a treasure perfect for you or one of your friends. Or run in the Color Run.
Have you thought you might like to try being an Aggie Family and helping out a football or baseball player at OPSU who is a long ways from their family and would love to have someone at some of his games? Someone who might bring a pizza over for a hungry college guy to share with his roommates? Call 338-6246 if you would like to know more about the program. We’re all having a pot luck and game night (dominoes, board games, etc.) on Monday if you call soon, you can join us.
April is a good time to get better, to improve.
Did you know U.S. adults aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables according to the Centers for Disease Control scientists, who warn that this puts us at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. Federal guidelines recommend having 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit and two to three cups of vegetables daily. Nine percent of adults meet the recommendation for vegetables and 12 percent for fruit, with men, young adults, and poor adults faring worst.
Share an orange with someone you love. Pass the broccoli. And plant a garden.
While you’re at it. Conserve some energy. Take your TCEC Coop Connection card (check it out at and get 5% off any energy star rated products. They can help you conserve without changing much at all. Maybe just a few light bulbs … or more. Be brave.
Shop local. Locally owned businesses give more than twice as much to our schools, civic organizations, and other community organizations. Need proof? Check out the backs of the Kid’s Inc. team sponsors, look at the list of Chamber and Main Street members on their websites, notice who gives to those After Prom parties.
Shop local. If you’re asking a business for a donation for your group, only allow someone who has spent money in that business to ask. That’s some good checks and balances. I wonder if those we ask for donations were to check what we spend there and match, how well our donations would go. Bears some thought.
Let’s work at this getting to be better people.
See you on the bricks!