On The Bricks

August 23, 2017

My youngest daughter got engaged at Christmas. The wedding date set for Sept. 23 and all the additional things like showers and bachelor parties and such got put on the calendar with plenty of time to get ready and keep the day clear. But it seems to be too much for me. Last Saturday was her bridal shower, something that has been on the calendar since January.

At 10:40 in the morning I get a text from said daughter, “Are you coming?”

“You bet,” I answer enthusiastically. “It’s at 4, right?”

“No, it’s going now. Started at 10.”

In Gruver.

I am still in my pajamas.

Oh my.

My arrival coincided with the packing of the many wonderful gifts. So glad I got to see the Denver Bronco crock pot because that was something to be treasured in my family!

My maternal skills are sadly lacking. And yet my kids all turned out to be exceptional adults. It certainly wasn’t from any coddling.

One of the things that is important in my family is public service. Because, as a parent, you want your children to be as content as possible. Learning to be content and feeling happy is easiest when you’re helping others, we believe.

In some way. In a way that you are comfortable doing. If you can’t find a way, then you aren’t being observant. You aren’t being aware. You are too focused on yourself. And being focused on yourself is the fastest way to unhappiness and discontent.

Martin Luther King, Jr., said “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” He was a very wise man.

My children learned that lesson well. They are great helpers and they far outdo their mother. Makes me proud.

But they probably would prefer I remember those special dates and times. Lisa and Missy weren’t mad when I missed the shower. Lisa’s only comment was, “Wedding is at 4, Mom, not the shower.” I have a month to get that right.

Business classes start on Sept. 6. Our hope is that anyone who is considering a business, whether an at – home business or a shop or office, will come. We also want those who have a business to come and see if they can learn some things that will help them do a better job, make more money, and be a wonderful asset to our community and people.

Then we have the Career Focus workshop starting the second week of September. This is for those who want to gain more professional skills and knowledge. The class is full and I love working with this program each year. To be in a room of people who want to be better people. It’s like heaven to me. They’re always good people to get to know.

If you want to know more about these, give me a call at the Main Street Guymon office, 338-6246.

Oh, and don’t forget to mark the Fiesta down on your calendar … it is Sun., Sept. 17. What a great day to be on the bricks!

See you there, I hope.