Today is a sharing time. There are some great people with such admirable attitudes and choices that it’s time to share some of those.
Last month Denise Lunt sent me an email. And this email is something worth sharing because it’s about the entire community and you all deserve to know what she’s saying about you.
“We have so much here to be thankful for …,” wrote Lunt, a local business owner. “We also have a great community that steps up so often to help other. I am proud to live here and claim Guymon as home ….” I don’t know if you know Denise, but she isn’t one to say things that she doesn’t honestly believe. She’s pretty blunt and pretty honest. So, you know she is talking straight here.
What Denise says reminds me to share another email I recently received, this one from Charles Michael, about the Lions Christmas Shopping Spree for Needy Children. This year it is on Sat., Dec. 16 and they need donations and volunteers to shop with the kids. Contact Charles at 580-651-5633 if you’re willing to help. And going by what Denise says, I think some of you will contact Charles.
Charles is also very involved in the Guymon Community Theater, who has the production “Oklahoma” going on right now. The first weekend a group of us went to the play. Wow. It’s great. The main character, Curly, is played by Michael Ask from Goodwell and to hear him sing is well worth the cost of the $8 ticket. It’s a play for all ages and don’t miss out on it. The final productions are Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8 and 9, at 7 pm and Sunday the 10th at 2 pm. Call 338-0019 to get your reservations. And when you go, be sure to tell Shayla Gaillard, a new friend of mine, that she did a great job!
Get into the Christmas spirit on Sat., Dec. 8, with the Christmas Open House downtown from 5 – 9 pm. The Christmas Tree Lighting starts the evening off and there are all sorts of great things to do during, including a kids activity so you can shop childless. Call 338-6246 if you want more information.
Here’s another piece of interesting information. In Iceland, books are exchanged as Christmas Eve presents. Then you spend the rest of the night in bed reading them and eating chocolate. The tradition is part of a season called Jolabokaflod, or “The Christmas Book Flood.” Iceland publishes more books per capita than any other country and sells most of those books between September and November due to people preparing for the upcoming holiday … and probably for cold weather, too. I loved the idea.
The other morning my mind pondered on what was the best thing that happened in my family during 2017, which is about to end. There were many great things and things that my children and grandchildren and the spouses have done. But what made me proudest is something that my son – in – law Cody Cartwright is a part of. He is one of the Texhoma coaches that had the high school girls track team bring home a fourth state championship. Four years in a row. Amazing.
So, with that conclusion, I decided to share with the family because too often as parents and grandparents (and certainly as mother – in – laws) we are saying things that are not so positive.
Here’s what I sent to my family, “Not only is this something that is unprecedented, it probably won’t happen again in my lifetime … hopefully a fifth and sixth will, though! And the best part is that Cody did this with great commitment and dedication. And what he did was not about himself, but he made an opportunity for some young kids to do great things. I love it.”
Our whole family is proud of Cody Cartwright, who does not strive for the limelight. Who are you proud of and should you be telling them?
Here’s to sharing with your family and friends. Stay positive and I’ll see you on the bricks!