A friend gave me a little book that has some very interesting things in it. It is a journal of sorts with the heading on the blank pages, “Why I am dysfunctional today:”
The first page has directions and says, “We all have issues. The idea that anyone has it together is a myth – despite the occasional deliberately constructed appearance to the contrary. The only thing that separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls is self – awareness. Do you or do you not know that you’re half – crazy? Do you celebrate and process your dysfunctions or do you stumble along in blithe denial – or, perhaps, the stubborn refusal to deal?
“Either way, being dysfunctional is the norm, not the exception, especially in this era of pop psychology and antidepressant ads littered with daisies and sunshine. I’m not okay and you’re not okay, and there’s a drug for that. Now that we know how to diagnose and name it, 29 percent of the American population has experienced a significant episode of anxiety, while about 15 percent will suffer from a major depression at some point. …
“But as creatively valuable as our dysfunctions may be, we must manage them in order to live a practical and not entirely miserable existence. Toward that end, our most convenient, accessible tool is surely a journal. Kathleen Adams, founder of the Center for Journal Therapy, calls journals ’79 – cent therapists.’
“According to a widely – cited study by James W. Pennebaker and Janel D. Seagal, ‘Writing about important personal experiences in an emotional way for as little as 15 minutes over the course of three days brings about improvements in mental and physical health.’ Proven benefits include stress management, strengthened immunity, fewer doctor visits, and improvement in chronic illnesses such as asthma. ‘It’s hard to believe,’ says Pennebaker, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin, but ‘being able to put experiences into words is good for your physical health.’”
So, do you write in a journal? Seems maybe it is a good thing. I believe I’ll just stick with writing a column. But if you feel yourself twisting off to the deep end, grab a pen and paper. Its worth a try!!!
Tammy Faye Bakker once said, “I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.” My personal opinion is that if you have a chance to be part of a quilting circle, it serves as therapy.
Staying active is also good for your health. There are plenty of things going on to take part in here.
Feb. 2, you have the choice of attending OPSU basketball games with the women at 5:30 and the men at 7:30 or you can go to the Diabetic Support Group at the YMCA meeting room at 5:30 pm. The support group has a speaker and is led and sponsored by HealthWatch.
Feb. 3, at 7 am you should come and be a part of Eggs and Issues. Quit spending so much time posting those stupid facebook political comments and come and hear the real thing. Representative Casey Murdock is always there to give inside into what is happening at the capitol. And Apollo MedFlight is buying breakfast for everyone. It takes place at the Ambassador Restaurant.
Feb. 4 is the OPSU Rodeo Team’s Top Hand Auction at Pickle Creek at 6 pm. Come and buy some fellows to haul your limbs off!
Feb. 5 is Sunday and the Super Bowl is happening. So is the Souper Bowl. For lunch, take part in the Oaks of Mamre Fund Raiser, a Souper Bowl, at the Methodist Church Enrichment Center, 6th and Quinn.
Feb. 6 is the Chamber General Membership meeting at noon in the Ambassador meeting room and that evening is the Methodist Groundhog Supper from 11:30-1:00 for lunch and 5:00 – 7:00 for supper. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for children.
There’s more coming up, but this should keep you busy for now!
See you on the bricks.