On The Bricks

February 14, 2014

The first Eggs and Issues was held at the Ambassador Restaurant. These are a great opportunity to learn more of what is happening downstate at the Capitol. Usually our senator and representative come and give an update. It is also a time you can ask questions and air concerns. How much more effective is that than the complaining at the coffee shop or beauty shop or wherever else we all go to whine?

Not only do you have a chance to do all those great things at this Chamber activity, but a full breakfast is also provided. The first meeting Apollo MedFlight sponsored the food. They are an air ambulance provider that is based in Guymon. They have the fastest medical flight care available in the area with a medical crew, pilot and plan located here in our own town.

“Apollo has invested in the community programs that are important to the area such as Eggs and Issues,” says Program Director Brandon Leasure. You can learn more about them at

Something fun that is coming up in the community is a gathering of oral histories from regional cowboys. We need some to help do the interviews. You don’t have to be a professional, just someone interested and willing. There is a training for interviewers on Fri., Mar. 7, from 4 to 5 pm at the Main Street Guymon office, 116 NE 5th Street. Call 338-6246 if you have questions.

Recently at a training it was taught that for children they need six positive interactions (ie. “Good job”) for one negative. While the trainer said this, I thought to myself that it is the same for an adult. Realizing that what we say is a negative or a positive and paying attention to how many you say has been rather enlightening for me. Judge your words. See how you come out on that. And telling someone what they should do is not a positive. I promise. Might be our intention, but it does not go on the positive side. So, me telling you to go to Eggs and Issues does not count. Darn.

They also said kids need you to be safe, be kind, be honest, be respectful, and be responsible. Once again, I think these are great goals and not just for the kids around us, but also for the adults. We fail over and over. But we need to pick ourselves up and improve. Let’s all improve this week!

You also have a chance to improve your photography skills with a Digital Photography class being offered through the OPSU Guymon Classroom. My printout doesn’t show all the dates, but the first day is Feb. 25. You can call OPSU Guymon Classroom at 338-1380 for more information.

And let this Irish blessing follow you as you are on the bricks: May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart, and warmed by the smiles of the people you love.