Just recently, as I was getting ready to go to work, things seemed to be going so smooth. The coffee was delicious, it only took two minutes to make the bed, house was clean and no picking up was required. Then I took my shower. The warm water felt so good. The knees quit creaking for a moment and the sleepy bugs were chased away from my eyes. Life was good.
Then I got out of the shower and started to dry off. My towel was one of those plush, really big towels that even makes an Amazon like me feel small and pampered. My bathroom is not large, although there is ample room for everything. Or so I used to think.
Obviously, if you’re not careful, you can dip your big ole towel in the toilet water without even realizing it. It just happens as you’re drying off. But when that cold, dripping wet corner smacks against you and the realization hits why it is so wet. That’s when you can’t help but laugh.
I love when days have something interesting about them, setting them apart from every other day. Good things. Unusual things. Things that make your eyebrows go up. The toilet towel morning made for a great day.
Here’s a few thoughts for you if your days are all the same and sort of running together.
Create your idea of the best breakfast in the world. Then maybe you should make it for yourself and whomever is with you every New Years Day. You can start practicing on it now. My daughter and her husband make Christmas pancakes on Christmas morning. They’re in the shape of ornaments and trees and such. It’s cool. It’s different. We used to have crepe suzettes each New Years Eve for supper. Think about your special breakfast. Practice it. Relish it.
When you’re lying in bed and have a little bit of time, ponder upon this question, “Whose life did I make brighter today?” And if you don’t find an answer, don’t beat yourself up, but just make it a point to have a ready answer the next day. It doesn’t have to cost money, it doesn’t have to take a lot of time, making someone’s day better is very easy. You only need to pay attention and be willing to be helpful.
As a family gift to yourselves, consider volunteering and making a meal or doing a special project for the homeless shelter, or gathering food for the food pantry, or going and having lunch or supper with the folks at the nursing home or assisted living home. And be ready to make conversation. It isn’t just the food, it’s also the company. Help them have the day different from every other day.
We’ve just been through the Christmas season that is filled with gifts. We look forward to getting birthday gifts. How about for birthdays, you write a letter to someone that had a positive influence on your life (or the life of your birthday son or daughter or grandchild) and thank them for the gift they gave. Every day we focus on the positive is a day we cherish.
Offer to run errands for an elderly friend or relative, or a new mother, or someone who is super busy. Just recently I had some trouble with my leg and going to the grocery store was something that hurt, so I didn’t do it. Several people (including two college age kids who aren’t even blood relatives) offered to do my grocery shopping for me. They even realized that carrying them into the house was hard for me, so they drove to Texhoma and unloaded them. They were true blessings to me. Every day we serve as a blessing to someone is a day to be cherished.
Try a new recipe. There are some scrumptious looking recipes is all sorts of magazines or books you probably have on your shelf. Or go online. You love chicken, find a chicken recipe that looks just wonderful. Try it. Every day we add something new to our life is a bit of an adventure.
Or maybe you could go even further and organize a neighborhood progressive dinner. Have appetizers at one home, the main course at another, and dessert at a third. If you have more neighbors involved, you can have the main course divided into starch, vegetables, and meat. Then enjoy yourselves. Get to know your neighbors better, have a fun meal, and know that it’s a good day. Ask people what part they would like to do … make it as easy as possible for everyone. You can have themes, you can just be relaxed. Make it fun.
And take in some civic organization fund raisers. Tuesday the 17th is the Guymon Lions Club Chili and Stew Supper in the evening at the Methodist Church Enrichment Center. For a mere $6 or so you can help people who are helping the community. If you don’t want to socialize that evening, get a to – go container.
On the 19th is the Women in Ag Mini Conference from 6 to 9 pm at the Research Station in Goodwell. Call the OSU Extension Office for more information. There are usually some good presentations at it. It is always good to learn!
See you on the bricks!