There are several things about the Christmas season that are way better than the present thing. One of those is the children’s Christmas program at church. I don’t care what program it is, who plans it, who is in it, it is going to be fun. The worst one is memorable for that very reason and it still makes you feel good and smile, and the best one can do the very same. So, they’re all wonderful because watching kids can be so darn entertaining. Watching kids talk about peace and joy and goodwill can’t go wrong. And the hugs afterwards abound.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscaglia said this and it is something we should remember every single day of 2018. Be the one to give the touch, smile, kind word, to listen, to care. Take the Christmas program attitude through all 12 months.
Charles Michael sent an email out to his Lions Club members after the Christmas Shopping Spree. He said when the next meeting was, and this reminder was the reason for the email. But then he thanked the 28 volunteers that worked the shopping spree. He said he had a great time and then told about a little guy who wanted a little foam couch instead of a toy because he could roll it out and have a bed, which he didn’t have at home.
Another Lion was given $300 from a man she didn’t know who saw the shoppers. Charles proceeded to tell the wonderful job done by the WalMart staff, those with the school buses, and the staff at the Ambassador Restaurant. Kids, 129 of them, spent about $10,000 and Christmas was a time of giving for many. Someone cared.
There is a reason I read Charles Michael’s emails … because so often he is telling very positive things about this community that we both love.
I don’t know what either one of them wanted to be “when they grew up,” but Charles and Colleen Michael are a pair of leaders in our community who we need to thank God every day that we have. Whether it is their work with Lions Club or with the Guymon Community Theatre, they are there making a difference for many.
I read this on Facebook and think it is appropriate for them … Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader – they set out to make a difference. It’s never about the role – always about the goal.
Support the Lions Club by buying a ticket to their Chili and Stew Supper on Jan. 16. From 5:30 – 8 pm in the Methodist Enrichment Center at 6th and Quinn. Tickets are $7 for adults and less for kids.
Visit Charles White Insurance at 1024 N. Main on Jan. 11 from noon to 1 for the TCEC Co-Op Connections Spotlight and have a chance to win $100 in Main Bucks.
That same day, Jan. 11, you can go watch the OPSU Men’s Basketball team play in Goodwell at 8 pm.
Lots of ways to show you care about your community! Pick one to do this week.
Remember what Anthony J. D’Angelo said, “Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” Be a part of your community this year. We care and want to see you there!
See you on the bricks.