My recent road trip, the route was figured out online with the motels considered via google and then reservations made online. When in any of the towns, google was checked once again for local restaurants and their ratings were given careful consideration. When I was in the motel by myself and didn’t want to get out after one day, I even googled “restaurants with delivery, (town name and state)”. And then I hit the “call” button and ordered.
No place to stay or eat was given any consideration because it wasn’t on google.
Once we arrived in Myrtle Beach, the same method was used to find things to do like go to the Aquarium.
Then I get home and go to work, my mom brings a friend over who is visiting from Maryland. Yes, they did almost the same road trip and they looked on their cell phone to decide where they would stop.
My serious question to our local merchants is this: While these friends were here, if they were to look up on the phone great places to visit, to stay, to shop, or to eat … would your business come up? Would our favorite restaurants have reviews? We can all leave reviews.
This is an issue that Taos McIntyre as a transformer during his high school years had as a project. He looked up businesses (first were the Main Street ones that are more apt to draw someone traveling off the highway) and offered to help them get their information updated on Google. He would bring his laptop in to the store and he didn’t charge anything.
And said people said, “No, thank you.”
You don’t have to be computer savvy to update Google. Especially if Taos is helping you. Why would you not take the 30 to 45 minutes to possibly bring new customers in?
It’s a puzzlement to me.
And then I recall the various things that my kids want me to do with my phone, my banking, etc., and I just nod and smile and never plan on doing it. And it probably would be easier. And it probably would save time. And yet I don’t do it.
So, that just happens, I guess.
What else is happening?
On July 15 during the lunch hour the OSU Extension is holding a class on “Eating Healthy on a Budget.” Call 338-7300 to reserve a spot.
The Texas County Children’s Health Fair is happening on July 18 from 4-7 pm at the Activity Center.
The City sponsored summer movie at Cross Park happens when the sun goes down on July 19 behind the YMCA.
And on July 22 is another OSU Extension class, this one on “Tips for Losing Weight and Keeping it Off.” This one is also held during the lunch hour.
Hope your Fourth of July was wonderful and it’s my hope that you were able to watch the beautiful City Firework display. How fun was that?
See you on the bricks!