Von Miller (the dog, not the Denver Bronco) has moved in at my house. Yet one more change here during this strange year, 2020. Von Miller belonged to my son, Justin, and needed a new home. For some reason my daughter, Lisa, thought he would be a perfect fit for me. Me, the one who didn’t want a dog. Maybe she thought Von didn’t want an old lady, either. That could have been the perfect in the fit.
Or it could be that he snores. Loudly. Because I wake myself up by snoring sometimes. That could have been the perfect.
Or it could be that he’s pretty chunky and kind of wheezes when he goes out and plays in the heat. So do I. Great fit.
Or it could be that he likes to relax most of the day. Catching a couple naps that last most of the afternoon makes his hobbies and mine match well.
Or it could be that his favorite thing to do is to chance reflections on the wall. It is hilarious. Sometimes I have been accused of chasing “hare – brained ideas”. Yeah, that could be it.
Or it could be that he smells a little bad sometimes. I hope that wasn’t why she thought we were destined for one another.
Anyway, Von is here. He came with promises from Lisa to come and bathe him and cut his hair whenever he needs it. He probably needs it fairly often.
Von Miller is a funny looking little sweet guy. He has a schnauzer face with those big brown eyes that have eyebrows with lots of hair. And he’s very protective (in a nice way) and possessive of people he likes, as are many schnauzers. I had forgotten that I was capable of going to the bathroom by myself. And little did I realize that I needed protection from the garbage truck. The things we can learn in our 60s amazes me.
Von Miller is black and his body is very thick and stout. He is a strong guy, like a pit bull. And he is a little bow legged. For that reason (the strong part) he was aptly named. I wonder if Von Miller has bowed legs. I need to check. The real reason is that we are Denver Bronco fans and Von Miller was a favorite. We honored him by naming the dog after him.
The funny part is that Von has really, really, short legs. Really. Short. Legs. And yet he can jump with the best of them. My granddaughter, Emma, has Von jump through a hula-hoop she holds in the air. Quite amazing for a dog with almost no legs and a 70 – pound body to do that feat. Over and over.
Lisa wanted to know what breeds Von Miller mixes in his funny looking little self. So, she sent off for a DNA test. Sometimes these dog lovers really amaze me. Von Miller is part schnauzer, which was apparent, part pit bull, part chihuahua, and part miniature pinscher. And he is the sweetest little guy on earth.
Von originally was saved from the pound and our family was lucky that we got him. I hope that your crazy COVID months have brought you a blessing like Von Miller.
Von doesn’t get to get on my bed, but sometimes I fall asleep in my recliner and he is on the floor at my feet. So now I get to say that I’ve slept with Von Miller. Yep. My mama was so proud when I told her.
The stores are starting to open. I hope you’ll visit them. Be safe. Wear a mask. And smile. Even if you’re wearing a mask, that smile shows in your eyes!
See you on the bricks.