On The Bricks

May 17, 2014

A little rain. It settles the dust. Reminds us that we need get a new windshield wiper. Cleans everything. Smells so good. And it will bring our spring wild flowers to bloom. What a wonderful gift for this Holy Week.

Holy Week. You know, some of our churches make up for not meeting on Wednesday all during the year with Lent and Holy Week. We tend to have something every day. But it is like the rain and reminds us of a wonderful gift that clean and settles. Hope you all have a Happy Easter. And if you don’t believe in Easter, I hope you enjoy the egg salad sandwiches.

Here’s a thought for those Easter Egg hunts with plastic eggs. Put a nickel or a penny in those eggs. It’s cheaper than candy! And they don’t usually rot the teeth.

So Easter is the new year for the church. It can be a new start for us too. What do we need to work on? What should we do differently?

I hope you’re thinking of ways you should prefer to work on, rather than ways you think I should work on. If you are … that’s the first think you need to work on. Quit judging. Look at yourself rather than others.

And we really should start treating others the way we want to be treated. Not the way you think they deserve. Just time to be respectful. I read one time that if we would treat our spouse and children like we do company, then there would be a lot fewer problems today. Ouch. That hits home, doesn’t it?

Betty Smith who wrote “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” said “Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.”

It is a fact that not all of us can accomplish great things, but we can all accomplish small things that make a great difference. Kindness matters. Empathy matters. Patience matters. Being there matters.

Every day I have the chance to see someone who is making a great difference in some way. Last Tuesday was stellar in that department. Met with a group of ladies who are starting a mentor program for young girls. Their goal is to help these youngsters realize their self – worth. Remember, that we are all worth something. All of us. This is just beginning and it is going to be wonderful. I can’t help but know that each of these young mentors that gives two evenings a month to mentor is going to learn and be blessed even more than the girls they’re there for.

That’s how it works. When we give much, we are given much.

Then Tuesday evening I attended the meeting on the potential Community Health Center. For a fact, I know that Monica Ronne and Dianna Brown are seriously concerned about the entire community. They have those who do not have insurance at heart and want them to have a better life. Those who are on Medicare and Medicaid who have a hard time getting a primary care doctor or in to see the doctor are at their heart, too. They’re stepping out and helping others who need help. Whether you agree or disagree, they are giving of themselves and working hard for what they see as the better good.

And last Friday I had the honor of attending the Leadership Guymon Class of 2014 graduation, a program through the Guymon Chamber of Commerce. The class is made up of people who are taking their time to learn more about their community and they have a class project to do some renovating at the Oaks of Mamre. Go get ‘em, guys. I pray they take what they’ve learned and step out and make this community a better place to be.

Each of these folks has a boss, a business generally, that has ponied up and paid for them to attend and lets them take time off work to do it. I believe those businesses deserve the right to be noticed because those managers and owners are working hard and giving to the community, too. Here’s their list:

  • Bank of the Panhandle;
  • City of Guymon;
  • First Presbyterian Church;
  • High Plains BioEnergy;
  • Lumber Mart;
  • Oklahoma Panhandle Partners;
  • Oklahoma Panhandle State University;
  • PTCI;
  • Seaboard Foods;
  • St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church;
  • Texas County YMCA; and
  • Tri-County Electric.

There are certain businesses that always seem to step up. That actually read emails sent to them and respond back in a timely manner. The ones who seem to care. We have an opportunity to attend a leadership training class this week and the Chamber and Main Street Guymon members were invited to attend. Those who have employees signed up so far, are:

  • Bank of the Panhandle;
  • Main Street and Chamber volunteers;
  • Main Street Guymon Transformers;
  • PTCI; and
  • Seaboard.

There certainly is a pattern, isn’t there? Now, you have to admit, if you have more than one employee it is much easier to take part in such things! So there are some simple logistics that have to be considered. But rather than looking at who isn’t there, take a look at who is there and give them a thumbs up next time you see them!

Don’t forget the Free Dementia Education Seminar by the nationally acclaimed author of “Untangling Alzheimer’s.” It is Tues., April 29, from 9 am to 3 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1212 N. Crumley in Guymon. Please call Dorothy Countryman at 580-651-4645 if you are going and tell her if you want the $10 lunch from Hunny’s. It is going to be a blessed event.

The benefit run for Lynn Schaffer is April 19. Call the Fire Department for more information. Don’t call them on the 911 number, please. Shees.

It’s a good day and there are good people all around us. Try to blend in and be good, too.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, may the luck of the Irish be there with you.

See you on the bricks!