The end of 2019 is fast approaching. We have Thanksgiving soon to be here, a time to be reflective of the many things that we are grateful for, one of those is, hopefully, family. The other, I pray for you, is community. And we need to be happy with ourself, the person that God made us, and find the purpose for our being here.
Albert Schweitzer said, “The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” It is important to serve and it’s time we slow down on all the excuses for not doing so
Here’s another thing I read, and I don’t know if all are correct, but I think it gets the point across.
“The next time you think you have an excuse why God can’t use you consider the following:
- Noah was a drunkard,
- Abraham was too old,
- Isaac was a daydreamer,
- Jacob was a liar,
- Leah was ugly,
- Joseph was abused,
- Moses was a murderer,
- Gideon was afraid,
- Samson had long hair,
- Rahab was a prostitute,
- Timothy was too young,
- David had an illicit affair,
- Elijah was suicidal,
- Isaiah preached naked,
- Job was bankrupt,
- John the Baptist ran around in a loincloth and ate locusts,
- Peter was hot – tempered,
- John was self – righteous.
- The disciples fell asleep while praying,
- Martha fretted about everything,
- Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed,
- The boy with the fish and five rolls of bread was too obscure,
- The Samaritan woman was divorced more than once,
- Zacchaeus was too small,
- Paul was too religious,
- And Lazarus was dead.
Now, no more excuses!”
Remember, if you’re waiting until the perfect time or until you’re perfect, that never happens! Take a step the way you want to go and let’s get started! I choose to be the family and community member that does something positive and helpful for others. That’s my promise for this year. Even though I know I am imperfect and make many errors, that is my challenge for 2020. Might as well get working on it now!
Another good thought to remember along those lines is a quote from Ninon de L’Enclos, “That which is … beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.” I am choosing to be more beautiful this upcoming year.
“Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly, you are doing the impossible,” said St. Francis of Assisi.
Let’s get started on this positive journey!
See you on the bricks.