There is a folder in my desk that I drop things in that I find interesting. Lots of them are just cute. Some are funny. Some are thought provoking. Take a look in my file with me today.
Here’s an article that talks about a church quilting group in Wisconsin. They call themselves the Cover Girls. What a hoot. Great name.
Then there is the birthday card one of my best friends sent me. She, Nancy Hallmark Evans, is one of my four best friends that started first grade together, graduated from high school, and then attended Panhandle State together. We also played sports together. And had a Senior picture taken together. Really. Not kidding. Anyway, Nancy sent me a card that says on the outside, “Remember when we were little we couldn’t wait to be mature, responsible adults?” You then open the card and it reads, “What the heck were we thinking?”
But Nance has to make it better by writing, “Who said we are responsible?! I hope you do something silly and blame it on Pammy and Deets.” Yep, that’s the other two. Nance always has such good advice.
Dianna Brown taught the first class of the Career Focus last week and she asked the class, “What draws you to other people?” The answers came from the 15 class members and varied, but included intelligence, honesty, positivity, kindness, responsibility, compassion, and confidence. Dianna then stressed that these are the same qualities that we need to present to have people drawn to us. That sounds simple, but it’s actually very deep. To have friends, you need to know how to be one.
One September Sunday, we had a reading from the book of James. The words explaining the reading said, “Faithful Christians do not show partiality to the rich and powerful of the world, especially at the expense of the poor and weak. Likewise, faith does not pay mere lip – service to God’s will. Instead, a living Christian faith expresses itself in acts of compassion and mercy for those in need.”
All good words. And we can say they’re good words, but they tell us to act and do, not just hear. That’s the hard part, isn’t it?
While you’re thinking on that, ponder taking part in these community activities.
Charles White Insurance is sponsoring the Beard Contest at the Farmers Market on Saturday. That’s Sept. 22 and there’s monetary prizes!
The Chamber of Commerce banquet is Tues., Sept. 25. This is when the Citizen of the Year is named and several other great awards like Volunteer of the Year and Small Business of the Year. Hope you sent in a nomination.
On Oct. 9, the second Tuesday of the month, is the BOP Business and Breakfast class, “Taxes Don’t Have to be Taxing.” No matter how much you know, you can always learn something at these classes. They run from 8 – 9 in the morning and BOP serves you breakfast. The class takes place in the BOP board room.
The Special Game Day at OPSU is on Sun., Oct. 7. This is for folks with special needs to have their day with their team playing baseball. The OPSU Baseball team facilitates it and it’s one of the best events on earth. A goal is to have the stands filled with people to encourage the team. The game starts at 4 pm and we hope you can be there. There are also free hot dogs from Seaboard Foods, free snowcones from Charles White State Farm Insurance, free watermelon from PTCI and more great things!
See you on the bricks!