Guymon Fiesta is over and it was fun. Loved the food. Loved the entertainment. Loved all the businesses who sponsored and made it possible. Loved the volunteers that worked and gave of their time. Thanks to everyone who had a part in it. Well, except those who threw trash on the ground. Thank goodness we had the OPSU Men’s and Women’s Soccer Teams working the Fiesta. They were a Godsend. Love those kids and their coaches!
Speaking of sponsors, did you know that PTCI gives $25,000 in college scholarships a year? That is in addition to the youth leadership camps and the sponsorships they give to school and community. Awesome!
We have some great businesses in our community that support us in so many ways. Be sure to support them in turn!
TCEC is another one and one of the ways they support us is their TCEC Spotlight. In September they went to Pub on the Bricks and these are a great thing to go to. There is always a drawing for a gift certificate and lunch is provided or something similar. Love it. Watch for them!
We are so lucky to live where we do.
In Lebanon, I read that people there, including more than 1 million Syrian refugees, struggle to find clean water to drink or bathe in. The run – off from the mountains flow into decaying pipelines, sewage – choked wells, and rivers thick with pollution. People who drink the water, or swim in it, often end up with stomach or skin ailments that keep them from school or work. Clean water can be purchased from private sources but it is expensive. The average family in Beirut spends up to 15 percent of its monthly income on water.
That makes our little city water bill look wonderful, doesn’t it? We should think about that the next time we go to the sink and turn on the faucet.
We are lucky to live where we do.
The YMCA Sip and Fit is on Sept. 27 at 7:30 pm and Denise and K.C. Rothschopf’s house. The cost is $50 a person or $75 a couple. This is a fund raiser for new machines at the Y. A great event done by wonderful volunteers.
We are lucky to live where we do.
On Sept. 28 there is a soccer tournament at OPSU, it’s the Socctober Fest. This is done by volunteers, too.
And on Sept. 30 is the Support Group for Diabetics at 5:30 pm, meeting at the Heritage Community, 501 NE 15th. All are welcome.
We are lucky to live where people provide opportunities for us to be healthier.
Earlier this year 103 – year – old Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins became the oldest female competitor in the United States, after winning the 50 – and 100 – meter dashes at the National Senior Games in Albuquerque.
“My first run was at age 100,” says Hawkins, who set the world record for the 100 – meter dash in her for the 100 – meter dash in her age group in 2017. “I thought that it would be neat to do the 100 – meter dash at age 100 in under a minute, and that’s what I’ve done. When I crossed the finish line (this time),” she adds, “it felt wonderful. I wasn’t sure I could do it, but I did. Finishing the race was a magic moment for me.”
The former cyclist, and great – grandmother of three, didn’t need much training. “I’ve been running all my life,” she says. “When the phone rings, I come running to answer it!”
The Elder Fair is in Guymon on Oct. 3 at the Methodist Enrichment Center. This is a great event for our senior citizens to learn about what resources are available for them and to find activities that are also available. Be active.
Remember Hurricane Hawkins!
See you on the Bricks!