On The Bricks

September 25, 2014

You know how when you’re having a party, you really don’t want to think about it, but you mind just naturally goes to “What if only two people show up?” That’s kind of how I’m feeling today. We have a Cowboy Cookout on Saturday and I am so worried … well, you know. And Rick Williams is going to be there with some wonderful information. I just hope people will be there to share with him.

The Cowboy Cookout starts at 2 pm and ends at 6 pm. It’s a great event for the family with music by Ken Stonecipher, food (benefit for Main Street Guymon … they have a really great director, you know?), bounce house, some cool western art. It is on the street north of Bob’s Cowboy Bar on East 2nd Street. It’s the perfect place because there is that grass south of the railroad tracks for Williams to let people try out the atlatl.

Learn more about the Plains Native American Indians at the Cowboy Cookout. We are all better people when we learn more about others.

“We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.” ~Max de Pree

And we should give ourselves a gift once in awhile. Walking is a gift.

According to the Rotarian Magazine, September 2014, on page 18, “Walking may boost creativity, according to a series of experiments out of Stanford University. Researchers administered several common tests of creativity, such as asking participants to devise novel uses for everyday objects and draw associations among unrelated words, as the subjects sat or walked, either outdoors or on a treadmill. The simple act of walking was associated with increased scores for 81% of participants, and a residual creative boost when they were seated again. Subjects produced the most novel and highest quality responses when they strolled alfresco.”

I don’t know what alfresco is. Maybe it’s a dog they were walking. Could be the Italian meal they were walking to go get.

You know, when I’m writing something or working on some sort of thing that needs functioning brain cells, if I go walk out and water my plants or something, I always think better when I get back. I always thought I was getting more oxygen to my brain. And now the Rotarian tells me I was right about thinking better after walking about. I love when I’m right.

Comedian Robin Williams once said, “I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you.” I bet he would agree with me.

One of the things that is right is having a peace inside you. A calmness that others cannot disrupt easily. I think a week that starts with church helps me achieve that. You know, a Sunday well spent brings a week of content.

Good friends who care about you and are not into being dramatic and creating chaos are that. It’s the same with great co-workers. It also helps when your children haven’t had sugar of any sort. Do I hear an “amen”?

I like this saying that is on a wall décor deal at Christine’s, “Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work, it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”

We can choose to be where we are, with peace or with drama.

Speaking of peace, another story in that Rotarian magazine was talking about working with immigrant children, “There’s still angst in the pews, but if they listen more to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John than Rush Limbaugh (American radio talk show host), they’ll act with compassion …” said Samuel Rodriguez.

And if you don’t know who Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are … we need to visit. My office is at 116 NE 5th Street. I’m pretty sure Robin Williams would agree.

That brings to mind the Joy and Praise Concert presented by the OPSU choir and the Panhandle Chorale conducted by Matthew Carey (he’s not the Matthew I was talking about earlier). That is followed by Music of the German Masters presented by the OPSU band, conducted by Charla Lewis. That takes place Tuesday, Sept. 30, at 7 pm in Hughes – Strong Auditorium, on the OPSU Campus in Goodwell.

Also, remember Saturday starting at 8 am is the final Farmers Market of the year. Be sure to get you plenty of that goat milk soap to last … it’s awesome!

See you on the bricks!