Sometimes sarcasm is just the tone for the day. That day is today. And I’m feeling the need to share some of it with you, if you don’t mind. Well, even if you do because you and I both know that you can just quit reading this at any point of your choosing.
The basketball playoffs are going strong and there are some good games being played. Those who love watching sports have to be enjoying them. Dave Berry is a sports columnist and he once wrote, ‘If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there are men on base.” That’s funny.
Vanity Fair ran a column by Graydon Carter filled with sarcasm. I saved it. Here’s one little jewel from it, “Only in America could a man who brags about groping and kissing women without their consent win 53 percent of the vote among white women.” Ouch. I tell my children that you must show respect to whomever is holding the office of the President of our nation, but I couldn’t keep myself from sharing that little tidbit.
Gosh the list goes on and on. You getting into the sarcastic mood yet?
“Every time I look at you I get a fierce desire to be lonesome.” That was Oscar Levant, an American comedian who died in 1972 who said that.
Rodney Dangerfield, another American comedian, said, “My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.”
There are those who say that they are always honest and I’m here to say that they must not have had small children. Nor many friends. Personally, I think it is wise to remember the saying, “Tell your boss what you think of him, and the truth shall set you free.”
Just because it’s the truth to you, doesn’t mean it’s the truth to everyone.
There are times when you’re asked a question that it is just best to say nothing. America’s President Calvin Coolidge said, “No man ever listened himself out of a job.”
Most people are more interesting once they stop talking.
Comedian Roseanne Barr who could be called a hefty lady, said in her comedy routine, “I asked the clothing store clerk if she had anything to make me look thinner, and she said, ‘How about a week in Bangladesh?’” Ouch.
How about a weekend of Pioneer Days? It’s coming up the first weekend in May and it’s going to be good. You can sign your kids up for the Mutton Bustin’ at the YMCA until Friday the 28th.
The Rotary BBQ is Friday starting at 11:30 and ending at 1 with a plate costing $7 each. Don’t miss that great fun meal at the Activity Center. The Rotary gives many scholarships with the funds garnered that day.
Kids Clown contest is Friday at 10 am in Big R Standard Supply.
The golf tournament is also on Friday morning and the rodeo ends the evening.
Lots of fun. There are schedules out and about or you can go to the Chamber of Commerce website and see what’s in store.
But don’t miss the OPSU rodeo this weekend.
And remember never to give a party if you’re going to be the most interesting person there.
See you on the bricks!