My love of the Denver Broncos might not make sense to someone who doesn’t know the whole story. It doesn’t matter if they are winning or losing, if their uniforms are ugly or pretty, I love them. When they have good coaches, I love them. When they have bad coaches, I love them. I don’t know football rules very well, but I love football when it is played by the Denver Broncos.
The reason is simple.
Every time I watch a Denver Bronco game, I become that young girl who had her dad right there with her for two hours, or until the time ran out on the clock. Sometimes we watched from the couch in the living room and sometimes we watched from my parent’s bedroom with pillows behind us, sitting up in bed watching the bedroom TV. Oftentimes, mama was sitting and sewing in the same bedroom while we watched football.
My dad loved watching the Broncos and I loved that time with my dad. The Broncos were born a little more than a year after I was born and they soon were on TV and I was ready to be there with my dad, watching every down.
Floyd Little will forever be my favorite player because when the Broncos were terrible, Floyd Little was great. And Floyd Little was always and only a Denver Bronco. Floyd Little died this year. It makes me realize that I am not a little girl forever. My dad is 82. I am 61. And we still have regular conversations about the Broncos.
My hope is that each and every one of you has something that can take you back to a happy time like the Denver Broncos do me. Heavens, even seeing someone wearing the blue and orange makes me smile.
On Feb. 3 the Main Street Guymon Career Focus, a professional development course for those wanting to build their professional skills begins.
On Feb. 4 is the monthly Shop and Dine and the best part at this one is the Artist Reception for Layla Bello at SPC WOW Boutique that goes from 4 to 7. SPC will be carrying Layla’s whimsical cards to sell. What a great way to support the local business that is supporting our local artists!
February is also the month that we vote on new board members for Main Street Guymon. We have five awesome people running for the three open positions. There are so many people who are willing to work for their community here!
Our Pangaea International Evening is scheduled for Mar. 9 at Pickle Creek. It will be a wonderful evening. Tickets will go on sale soon.
Be thinking about what you can do to help the Community Clean – Up and who you want to help you! We’ll be starting that in March, too.
If you have ever thought you might want to be your own boss and start your own business, be sure to register for the Starting Your Own Business workshop that begins on Mar. 23. Another Main Street Guymon program hoping to encourage our local folks to make their dreams come true.
See you on the bricks!