Having a 10 year old living in the house has certainly changed things for me. I recently read that if you don’t get out of your comfort zone, they you won’t grow. Obviously this old girl is growing! Not to mention the poor little girl. She has had to watch “My Fair Lady.” I mean is there a real childhood without the classic musicals? “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” and “The Music Man” are in the near future.
And we have been working on things that are really important. Priorities. She has a Serge Ibaka shirt now. Go OKC Thunder! Yep, there are priorities.
Let’s talk a little bit more about growth. If you have had a problem such as narcotics abuse, alcohol abuse, financial problems, physical abuse, or whatever, you’re invited to attend the faith based 12 Step Program every Saturday evening at Victory Center Church at 5th and Quinn in Guymon. There is a free meal at 5:30 pm followed by the program at 6. For more information call Jeremiah Mallard at 580-651-3486. Celebrate recovery!
“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ~Abraham Lincoln
How happy have you decided to be recently?
There was a blah day for me and then I went to lunch at the Heritage Community and got to eat with my friends Don and Wanda Fischer. Good food. Good friends. Good fun. Bud Edenborough was at our table too and I really enjoyed talking to him.
You know what is fun about going to eat there? They are happy to see me and they don’t all have something for me to do. Seems most places I go, someone always has something they want me to do for them. I don’t mind it, but it is a wonderful reprieve to just have lunch and visit.
“Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it.” ~Irving Berlin
When you are feeling in the dumps, having a pity party, go visit someone that likely has worse days then you. Do something for someone else and it’s crazy, but then everyone feels better!
The Ready Group is starting to meet on Sat., Jan. 11. This group is open to anyone who wants to learn, usually about being newly alone and some of the things you need to do and be careful of. Peggy Keenan is going to speak this week about taxes and give some great tips. The meeting is at the Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church on Quinn between 8th and 9th. Use the glass door on the south end of the brick building.
The primary goal is to provide education and a social time for those who have lost a spouse or find themselves single again. There is no cost for the program or brunch. And there’s no selling of services or items! It starts at 9.30 with coffee and visiting. The brunch is at 10 and then followed by the presentation. Be there. Be prepared. Take care.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Last weekend at the Texhoma Grocery, we bought this little bouquet of flowers that are such pretty colors. They sit on the table in a vase. The little girl loves those flowers. Life doesn’t have to be complicated to be wonderful. Smiles don’t have to cost a lot. Everyone deserves to have colorful flowers once in awhile.
This makes me laugh … “You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same.” Unknown said that. He really said lots of interesting things if you read quote books.
“Wishing you a rainbow for sunlight after showers. Miles and miles of Irish smiles for golden happy hours. Shamrocks at your doorway for luck and laughter too, and a host of friends that never ends each day your whole life through!”
Have a flower filled week and I’ll see you on the bricks!