Sitting in a meeting while a very nice older talks on and on … and on. Does he really think I care where they were when they had the conversation he is telling about? Does he really feel we want to hear his analysis on why they chose these specific books? *sigh*
But since the man is so nice everyone sits here as politely as possible. One person even looks interested. Actually we would all like to be leaving the meeting. It is 3 pm and we’ve been here since 9 am.
My nice button has stalled. My eyes want to roll. My foot is tapping. Rude is just around the corner. I should try for a nap and I won’t embarrass myself so badly.
Possibly, with intense focus, I can take my mind elsewhere.
First, I think about my business neighbors. Julie Perkins and Roger McKinnon knew we were having company and brought plants and planted them in the Main Street planters. They’re nice. Then Roger came by last week and told me that I would need to water my plants sufficiently because he was going on vacation. Roger keeps an eye out and when my plants start coughing dust, he waters them.
Good neighbors. That is something nice to think about.
Vonda Wilkins is another neighbor. Sometimes she walks in my office, sees the trash is overflowing and hauls it out to the dumpster. How good is that?
Dave Davis is out in the early mornings weed eating the plants that have grown up around. Another great neighbor.
How lucky am I? Lucky enough to have great neighbors, but not lucky enough to be finished with this meeting.
I am beginning to feel my hemorrhoids growing. It’s been a long time in this chair. And I’m pretty sure listening to boring people makes them worse.
Ah, time to recall a card I recently purchased, “Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”
Hmmm, I obviously didn’t read that card often enough.
Here’s another one I got, “Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate your friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is. (Mary Anne Radmacher).” Listen hard.
There are times we just aren’t ready to be inspired. Or is it just me?
The happy ending to the story is that soon the man stopped talking. I wasn’t rude to him. We can still be friends if the occasion arises. The meeting actually got out early and even though it lasted a long time, I did learn from it. But there are those of us that know so little that it is not difficult for us to learn something from almost anyone.
And my hemorrhoids are fine.
Knew you were worried.
See you on the bricks!