On The Bricks

March 18, 2019

Some things really don’t make sense. Like the ad that pops up to sell something that blocks pop up ads. Seriously?

It doesn’t make sense that we always think an interview for a potential job is all about the person being interviewed. We need to be remembering that the person is also interviewing the company to see if they are a place they want to work at. We forget that if we are a good choice as an employee, we also have value. Granted, the person that doesn’t show up for work on time, misses a lot of work, causes drama in the work place, doesn’t get their work done, doesn’t help co – workers with their work … you all need to not be wasting your time thinking you’re a valuable employee. *sigh*

Mama said if you can’t say something nice, just don’t say anything. So maybe a change in topic is best.

Here’s a great little story I recently read, “I was 13 years old, trying to teach my six – year – old sister how to dive into a swimming pool from the side of the pool. It was taking quite a while, as my sister was nervous.

“We were at a public pool and nearby there was a woman, about 75 – years – old, slowly swimming laps. Occasionally she would stop and watch us. Finally, she swam over to us just when I was really putting the pressure on, trying to get my sister to dive, and my sister was shouting, ‘but I’m afraid!! I’m so afraid!!’

“The old woman looked at my sister, raised her fist defiantly in the air, and said, ‘So, be afraid! And then do it anyway!’”

It’s not about being afraid. It’s about doing it even when you’re afraid. It’s life.

Too often we let our fears rule over us, instead of us ruling over our fears. It’s not the way it is supposed to work.

What are some of your fears?

Have you had a dream of starting your own business? Have you let the fear of stepping out and doing it keep you from your dream?

In January of 2020, Main Street Guymon is going to have a six – week long workshop about Starting Your Own Business. The cost is $50 per business and that entails one or two to take the classes. They will be held on Tuesday evenings. Think about it. Is this something you need to consider doing? Do you know someone else who might want to attend? Call me at 338-6246 to get on the list to attend. Only 15 people will be accepted into the workshop.

Tuesday evening, March 19, from 6 – 8:30 is a free showing of the movie “Oklahoma” at the Guymon Public Library, 1718 N. Oklahoma.

Wednesday is the Grand Opening of Gordman’s where Stage was, Northridge Shopping Center in Guymon. The ribbon cutting is at 5:30 pm. Go check it out!

Creativity rules at the All Fired Up Art Gallery on March 20 and 22 with their Mini-Art Camp. They have classes for kids from age 5 years and up. The cost is $45 each. Call them at 580-338-4278 for more information.

On March 21 is a Boy Scout Luncheon at the Methodist Enrichment Center, 6th and Quinn, from noon to 1 pm. You know, Boy Scouts isn’t just for boys these days. Take time to go see what’s happening in Scouting. The luncheon is open to all.

That same day at 5:30 pm is a meeting at Brown and Associates to learn more about Medicare. You need to listen to Dianna, she makes this very confusing process a little more accessible. And you won’t be as apt to make errors if you listen to Dianna.

It’s all good in Guymon.

See you on the bricks!