On The Bricks

March 20, 2019

We’re gearing up for some community cleaning. It’s Spring and it’s time to get some spit and polish on things. Time to get our trashy selves under control, for sure. The last part of April and through most of May we have lots of company coming to town and we should work to put our best foot forward. It’s just not cool, nor is it necessary, to be that lazy.

So, what part of cleaning up are you thinking you want to help with? Or maybe you just want to focus on your own yard and alley … and maybe closet and drawers?

You know that if you’re getting on the medicare bandwagon or get your senior citizen discount on McDonald’s coffee, you really need to think about downsizing. I can say these things because I qualify for that coffee discount, too, you know?

If we would just go through our “stuff” and toss some of the things that fill the drawers and the closets and the boxes and the attic, then when we move to a smaller place or, let’s just admit it, pass on to what our kids seem to call the icloud, it can help. It can help if our stuff goes where we want it to go. It can help because our kids can grieve (or celebrate, whatever the case might be) without the pressure of cleaning out a bunch of junk, errrr, I mean, treasures.

I threw out all sorts of cords that I didn’t know what they went to, nor would I know how to pick them out if I needed them. They went to all sorts of electronic do-dads. They took up a whole drawer. Glad I was saving those. I mean, I could have wrapped them up and given them to someone. To someone I didn’t like so they might feel compelled to store them.

Think about it. If you like your kids and grandkids, consider starting a little clear out some stuff. If you don’t like them, get another box and start saving more useless junk. But if that’s the case, then you’ll have time to help us with the community clean – up. In fact, clean up your alley and put that trash in a box and shove it in your garage. That’ll work for me.

All kidding aside, a blogger called “FlyLady”, Marla Cilley, has an online support group to help people counter household CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome). It seems the basic FlyLady flight plan is to set a timer for 15 minutes every day and pick up items with two bags – one for trash, one for things to be donated. See how much 15 minutes a day can work for you.

Here in Guymon, you can also collect some of these things and recycle them:

Egg cartons for the farmer with eggs;

Crayon markers;

Eye glasses;

Jigsaw puzzles;

Children’s books;

Flower vases; and

Mascara wands.

All of those can be recycled and you need only to bring them by Brown and Associates Insurance office or Main Street Guymon and we’ll get them to where they need to go.

Any other ideas of things that can be recycled?

Let’s get to work on clearing things out that are cluttering things up.

And for those who are over 60 years old or disabled, if you would like some help cleaning up your yard or alley, cleaning house, or doing other odd jobs, you can call 405-896-0463 and talk to the pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church about their youth group helping you. Or you can text Jill Kirkwood at 580-651-0512.

See you on the bricks!