On The Bricks

November 19, 2018

Today is going to be a cheat day. I’m going to share something that I wrote for my kids, before I have even given it to my kids. Doesn’t really sound fair, does it? But, then, life is never fair.

For a very long month I have been toiling over this book that one of my daughters gave to me … for the life of me, I cannot remember which one did give it to me. It is called a Mom and Me Book or some such and asks for memories and different things. There are prompts and it gives you several pages to write the answer. Some was easy, some I had no clue as to the answers.

The prompt on this was “If you felt the need to offer some advice to me, what would it be?” I am a mom. I always have advice for my kids. So, the pen fairly flew on these pages. With such sage words, I feel the need to share on a broader field.

“Start each day with something that makes you happy. I love my coffee and when I take that first drink, it is full – on a drink of happiness. Nobody should have to start their day with a grouch. If that is you, have someone hit you with a 2 x 4. There are probably several willing to do it.

“Nobody is responsible for your happiness except you. Nor are they who you can blame your unhappiness on. You have decided to be unhappy. It is all on you.

“Save some money every month unless you want to work until the day you die. Most of the things we buy we don’t care about in a month. Remember that. Get a grip on the difference between a want and a need.

“Lie in bed at the end of each day and thank God for each of the blessings he brought to you that day. Don’t treat God like a sugar daddy, always asking for favors – end the day thanking him.

“Remember, if you talk about other people – they have a right to talk about you, too. So, let’s try our best to just say positive things about people – or stay away from them.

“Always, when something bothers you about someone, take an honest look at yourself because you likely do / say the same things. Judge ourselves by the same standards as we judge others. If you do this honestly, and look at yourself with truth, you should find yourself being more kind to others.

“Pay attention to other people. Don’t assume you know they, what they have, what they want. Buying a gift for someone because it is something YOU want is shallow. Not buying something someone wants because you don’t agree may be egotistical and judgmental – but, then, we shouldn’t gift things that are bad for someone, so just be reasonable.

“Never miss a chance to tell someone thank you. There is never too much appreciation shown.

“Learn something new every day so your conversation is never boring. Your opinions aren’t good conversation. People are drawn to those who tell entertaining and SHORT stories or who talk positive about other people.

“We are wonderful and unique … just like everyone else!”

There is a little sharing of the book of memories that I’ve put together for my kids. What advice would you give if you did a little book?

Happy Thanksgiving!

And I’ll see you on the bricks.