Today is a day rife with random thoughts going through my mind. These are fun days.
There are the thoughts about Thanksgiving and the family gathering together. But talking about that is rather tiresome. Everyone seems to have sunshine rays coming out their orifices when they write this time of year. It isn’t a happy time for everyone. It is my favorite holiday, but it’s a good idea to skip talking about Thanksgiving. That is so … well, predictable.
There are thoughts about this week three of my children had a birthday on November 14. But, I probably talked about that last year and several times since last November. Another predictable topic.
Taking out my folder with “On the Bricks” written on the tab, I have lots of random thoughts filed away to share and they fit this random morning. Besides, it will be good to get this folder cleaned out and organized.
Charles White came to the board meeting not long ago and he said he was always told, “If you can’t be on time, be early.” Wow. There’s some sort of wisdom in that, but I’m thinking it wasn’t thought up by an Okie. Not one that I know, anyway.
Card I bought at SPC, “Please come to my pity party. I’m registered at the liquor store.” Now that is funny. Even to a teetotaler, I think it’s funny.
At our Career Focus, Liz McCulloch said, “Always be kind. You can’t go wrong with kind.” That is so true and something I really need to aspire towards. And hopefully those that I’m around are working towards being kind, too.
She also said, “Be responsible for the energy you bring to the table.” Liz is telling us that we make a choice to be positive or negative. It’s up to us to choose and go the positive way.
We also need to have purpose in our life. And we are the ones who need to set that purpose. What is your purpose?
SPC card, “I know it’s your birthday, and you feel you’re old. But just think, if you died tomorrow, people would say, ‘Wow, she was so young.’” Another funny one. I bought it. That being kind just seems to be elusive to me …..
An article I read recently says that “to get results, you need more than just leaders. You need people who translate vision into reality. You need people who roll up their sleeves and get to work. You need doers.
“Doers are efficient, detail – oriented, and highly skilled. They get things done and don’t let anything stand in their way. They show high levels of intrinsic motivation and take pride in a job well done. They might not be in the spotlight, but they are highly sought after.
“Execution without leadership won’t get you far, but leadership without execution will get you nowhere. To be successful, you need to have both.”
Main Street Guymon has both. We have volunteers that are excellent leaders and great at brain storming. And we have the doers that turn those ideas into workable, real programs. What assets. I love the Main Street volunteers.
This past month we have held our first Pangaea event and it was awesome. We held a three – day state training where Main Street volunteers (mostly board members) made it happen and run so smooth. And I sat at the table with my Board of Directors and saw the people that really make all this come forth and be real.
My life is good.
But it still rings true when I read this on the card from SPC, “At your age maybe you should stop buying green bananas.” Ouch. Skip kind one more time.
Enjoy your holiday. Remember that we can’t go wrong with kind.
See you on the bricks.