Do you consider some people leaders and some to not have leadership qualities?
Mandy Stewart is a teacher in Roanoke, Texas, who wrote an article in the August 2017 Toastmaster magazine about such that was quite interesting.
“In our society,” she wrote, “we are conditioned to categorize people. We perceive some as ‘natural leaders’ while believing others just don’t quite fit the bill. We may come to this conclusion because of an aspect of their personality, lack of previous experience, educational level, socio – economic status, physical appearance or the way they speak.
“I was guilty of this. But this past year, I developed a different lens through which I view my students, whether they are pursuing a Ph.D. or a master’s or bachelor’s degree. I see them all as leaders and I provide them … a place to develop public speaking skills, to speak with confidence, persuade with authority, and influence through words.
“Even the quietest person in the room, the one sitting in the back who rarely share an opinion, has much to contribute – unique ideas, diverse perspectives, and alternative ways of looking at problems. Unfortunately, many of the people with the most – needed perspectives learn to be silent. They internalize notions reinforced by society that their opinions do not matter that much, there is nothing they can do to fix a problem, or leadership is not for them.
“Now I view the people entrusted to me as leadership with limitless potential.”
We should all remember this. Everyone has potential and what are we doing to encourage the development of that potential in ourselves and others?
Join a Toastmasters group. We have a club that meets in the mornings and one that meets in the evenings, once a week. They would love to have you there to work on your speaking and presentation skills. They are kind and helpful and positive. Don’t be afraid to face your fear. Call Dianna Brown at 580-338-7270 to find out more about the club.
There are a couple other meetings worth mentioning that are coming up.
To learn information on the Medicare Prescription Enrollment, go to the Guymon Public Library between 10 am and 3 pm on Oct. 28 or Nov. 4 to visit.
And the TCEC Town Hall meeting is at 5:30 at the Library on Oct. 30. Open to everyone!
For fun, to the OPSU play “No One Cries in this Play” on Nov. 5 at 3 pm; Nov. 6 and 7 at 7 pm in the Centennial Theatre. It is free admission.
See you on the bricks!