On The Bricks

September 5, 2014

Let’s quit wasting time. September is a beautiful month to accomplish things. So set your one thing that you have been wanting to get done for ages and go do it.

I always drive by my friend Jacqueline’s house everyday and I always think, “I need to stop by and visit for a bit.” And I never do. This month that is going to get done. I will enjoy it. I would like to think she will enjoy it. And so it’s time to quit messing around and just do it.

Wanting to support kids working towards a good cause? Come out to the street in front of Main Street Guymon on Sat., Sept. 13th and attend the Carnival for a Cure. It’s an event done by the Guymon High School Student Council and the proceeds to go Relay for Life, Panhandle Partners, Guardian of the Ribbon, and WigOut. It’s a fun moment for a good reason.

The day before that, Sept. 12, is a clinic on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), those kids whose parents brought them to the United States from another country without proper documentation. The clinic is at St. Stephen’s Pioneer Hall, 1803 N Lelia, but not sure of the time.

And maybe if you’re tough you should make sure you’re at the jalapeno eating contest at OPSU on Sept. 15 at 12:15 pm in the Student Union. Could be interesting. I’m wondering if the prize is Pepto Bismal.

On Sept. 13 is an OPSU Football game against Oklahoma Baptist University in Goodwell at 2 pm.

That same morning of the 13th is the Lymphing for Lori Super Hero 5K and Fun Race (one mile, for the extra mile) at 9 am starting at the Girl Scout Building at the north entrance to Thompson Park. Registration starts at 8 am and this is a benefit for lymphoma research and scholarships, all in memory of Lori Underwood.

Thinking about having something in memory of a young person like Lori should really make us consider how lucky we are. We woke up today. We can call our friend and talk. We can dread going Christmas shopping. We have all those things that Lori doesn’t have any more. Appreciate what you have.

There are a few other things to mark on the calendar such as the Friends of the Y Sip and Fit Wine Tasting on Sept. 19. That’s if you’re more than 21 years of age.

There is a Writer’s Workshop if you’ve wanted to try your hand with the pen on Sept. 20. And that day is also the Pink Heals Poker Run. And on Sept. 21 is the Guymon Fiesta. Now that is great fun. Plan to be there for a good time.

And as you know that you have the chance to be there with friends and family, think about the words that John Burroughs said, “I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.”

Think about them and then go do one of them. Quit wasting time.

And if you don’t’ have enough things to ponder, tell me why they call it rush hour when nothing is moving.

Another thought … if you’ve always wanted to look thin, hang around me. Everyone looks thin when standing next to me!

See you on the bricks!