The beautiful tree on our street has those white flowers on it now. It is gorgeous. When I drive by on my way to work it starts my day so perfectly. And the bulbs are coming up, too. Means it will snow soon, right? Just as soon as the OPSU Rodeo begins it is inevitable. And maybe once before. The weather makes living in the Panhandle a constant adventure.
This morning before I got to work, I received a text from a friend. Being Miss Johnny – On – the – Spot, I promptly hit whatever I hit to reply. I hit, he called, and I couldn’t answer his call because the keyboard to type the text covered the button to answer the phone. Now, I’m sure there is some way to do this and it probably isn’t even difficult if you’re 11 years old. But I didn’t know how to do it. So, in my irritation, I did not text and in my stupidity, I did not answer the phone. Nothing like pure unaltered ignorance to destroy any potential productivity.
These things happen and I feel sure it’s Gods way of keeping me humble. It works. I really felt stupid.
Here is something I read to make us feel better after our stupid moments.
Know that your only competition is who you were yesterday. For me, after the stupid moment with the phone, tomorrow is going to be a breeze.
Earn, save, and invest before you spend. Great advice and lots easier to do when you start young. If you put into your savings and investment before you even look at your check, you might not even miss it. We have a couple of really good men to help you with your investments (and you don’t have to start with much … even $25 a month is a start). Both Mitch Egger and Kyle Hawkins are Main Street Guymon members and will help you start your investment plan. They’re here in town and always ready to answer your questions. You call them and you get a person on the phone who answers you quickly. They know you personally.
Avoid negative people, life is too short. Don’t have to explain that one. But if your friends stop answering your phone or inviting you out, you might make sure that it’s not you who is the negative one. Positive people energize you; negative people sap your energy. Be the positive.
If you don’t go after what you want, you will never get it. And there is nobody to blame but yourself. We are always capable of so much more than we do. Start to fulfill more of your potential and don’t wait for someone to walk you through it. Do it.
See failure as a beginning, not an end. Walk forward with purpose and have a goal.
Our habits decide our future. What habits do you have that are guiding your chances to or from success?
Those are all good thoughts and sometimes they make us realize that we’re really not doing as well as we should be and it’s time to get down and serious. Other times we realize there is much for us to appreciate. So consider and be honest with yourself. Even if it hurts.
Famous Okie information: The highest wind speed ever recorded on earth was in Moore, Okla., on May 3, 1999, during the Oklahoma City during the F-5 tornado. Wind speed clocked at 318 mph.
Keep Going on Your New Years Resolutions: Take little bites and savor them. Play with your children. Laugh with your friends. Notice the beauty you see, wherever you are, wherever you be. Be grateful enough to fall on your knees. Watch the last rays of a sunset end. Empty your mind time to time. Forgive all you can. Less sweets. Less bourbon. Less butter. Less salt. Be present.
Restaurant Team notes: The Main Street Guymon Restaurant Team has a goal to eat at every restaurant in Guymon and invite them to be a Main Street Guymon member.
Sage advice: Bring light. Bring beauty. Bring jumper cables.
Made me laugh: The instructor says, “Welcome to Salsa class! Who’s ready to learn how to dance?” Class member, hiding a bag of tortilla chips says, “There’s been a misunderstanding.”
Things you might want to go to in town: On Mar. 26 is a Spaghetti Dinner benefit for the Guymon Swim Team at the high school cafeteria, 2002 N. James, from 5 to 7 pm. Mar. 28 is the Aggie Fest in Goodwell. Apr. 4 is the Kick for Cans Barrel Racing at Hitch Arena, a benefit for Panhandle Services for Children. The ladies at St. Peter’s Catholic Church have their Spring Salad Luncheon on Apr. 2 from 11 to 1:30, $10 a plate. Apr. 12 is Easter. April is also our Community Clean-Up month.
Hope you enjoy being a part of some of these events. Get involved. Be a positive impact in our community.
See you on the bricks.