Career Focus is an eight – week – long workshop that meets for three hours each week. It is a class that brings some exceptional community folk together to talk about ways to improve your professional skills. The class had 17 members this year and getting to know each one of them was a blast.
People who want to do better, who don’t believe they know everything, and are good listeners are the best to be around for a time. That’s the kind of people that signed up for the class. I don’t know how much they all learned, but they certainly taught me some good things.
One of my favorites was Wade Morrison, who said in one class that he “pretty much didn’t like people.” That’s funny because most of the class members really enjoyed his honest and straightforward ways. Heck, all of them had something really cool about them.
Having programs like this makes my job fun. Even when it’s not. I guess that mean’s it’s fun even when I have to do something I don’t want to do.
The next thing we have coming up is the Community Clean-Up. Seems everyone has a place that they find dirty, or disgusting, or an eyesore. And the like to tell you about seeing such a place. But at the Community Clean-Up, you get the folks that don’t just talk about it, they do something. They do something that is good for the community without expecting anything in return. How can you find better people than them?
We have some painting and trash pick – up going on Saturday, April 2, starting at 9 am and the same on Saturday, April 9. You can come to the Main Street Guymon office and join a crew there or bring a whole crew. Or you can pick your day and do one of the areas we have had turned in for clearing, or find your own spot that needs attention. You can even clean your block’s alley … or the front area. Do what you feel you can and are willing to do. We appreciate everyone who will do!
It’s spring – time and spring cleaning is being planned.
It’s also Lent, the season building up to Easter. If you haven’t found a church home yet in Guymon, there are many that would love to have you visit! At our church, right after the benediction we sing the old Irish blessing,
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
See you on the bricks.